Thursday 24 October 2019

MR Mc thought of app

Mr Mc’s Teachers Project  
 These are my thoughts of Mr Mc’s use of maths apps
different apps during lesson time.
Firstly, we’re the expert of an app called Number Pieces. I think this app is good because you can give codes to people
that are on the same questions. 
For the fractions, it doesn’t have a code to enter it. You’ll
have to make it from scratch.   
Buddy comment by Zara - I love the way how you explained
well but next time you should elaborate more. 

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Gymnastics writting

For KiwiSport we did Gymnastics for this term. The
the first week we did warm-ups and obstacles.
We have done handstands, cartwheels, safety-rolles,
bridges, balancing, beaming, back-roll, forwards-roll.
Everything was different and some were easy and
some were hard to do.
When we were stuck the teacher came and helps us.
We did it at 9:30am  and we did it in the hall. The
Gymnastics teacher’s name was Sasha & Biran. On
the first week, we had Biran and after we had Sasha.
My favourite part was the back roll because it was fun. 
I Aisha have fixed a few things with your permission
I love how you used your punctuation nicely maybe next
the time you could add more elaboration.


Sunday 18 August 2019

Spit fire from tonga

A Monarch butterflies life cycle

Did you know that Monarch butterflies have a life cycle to? 
Firstly the butterfly lay some eggs. They lay the eggs on a leave. The eggs are
small as a frog egg.
Next, there is a long bug called a caterpillar comes out of the egg and eats its egg
yolk like a frog. The caterpillar eats the leave and finds some more leaves to eat.
After the caterpillar turns into a pupa and stay there for five to 21 days. After it is a
pupa it comes out and stretches its wings to fly.
Finally, the butterflies lay more eggs and die. Then it will start the life cycle of
monarch butterflies again. Also, the female has dark Vader and the male has
white dots on its wings.  

I like the way that you described a lifecycle more next time add more content.
Image result for monarch butterfly  Zayn 

Thursday 15 August 2019

Mr Mcgoodys

Frogs Cycle

Did you know that a process all plants, animals, humans
and living things have is called a life cycle? This is all
the stages from birth to death and a frog has a life
cycle to.  
First the female (mummy frog) lays hundreds of eggs
and they usually lay the eggs near the water, the daddy
frog fertilise.there some egg get is damage due to
rainfall and wind it will some jelly on the frog eggs are
called a frogspawn, the male frog fertilises to protect
its babies. The tadpole comes out and eats its own egg
yolk for morning tea (breakfast.) 
A few days later the tadpole comes out of the egg and
external gills, fish have those too.   

I liked how you explained well next time add
some punctuation.  Zayn

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Climate change

Have you heard about  Climate change? Well at the moment
our planet has the perfect temperature to keep all living things
alive and happy.
There are three natural factors which affect Climate change.
The factors are as follows; volcanic eruptions, changes in the
world’s orbit and the Sun’s energy.
Humans also cause climate change too. We started to build
more buildings in the 1700s which is 300 years ago. We started
to burned coal to make electricity. We made those things which
all contributed to polluting our beautiful Earth.
 Also us humans started to cut lots of trees and forests down. If
we continue to we will have no oxygen left to breathe. 

We reread you're writing together and fixed up a few sentences
in order for them to be clearer for the reader. Great into by the
way. Mr Mc

Tuesday 6 August 2019

How Auckland recycle their rubbish?

Did you know Auckland creates 230,000 tons of rubbish a year?

Firstly the recycling kerbside collection truck picks up your
recycling rubbish.
Next, they transport it to the Visy Recycling Depot where it is
sorted. There are 200  truck deliveries each day.
After that people do the most important part. There is a team of
people that have to work quickly to remove things that are not
recyclable. If they didn’t take out the rubbish it will damage the
Then the rubbish will be sorted into different types of rubbish like Glass, paper cardboard, aluminium,  steel, and plastics.   

All technology is used to sort the rubbish like steel is collected
by a huge magnet. Paper and cardboard are collected by discs
which flick up the paper and cardboard items causing them to
catch and the heavier it falls to the bottom.

I Sanah have read your writing and like the way you listed
some words.

Hole and decimals

Wednesday 31 July 2019

What if poem

What if… what if… what if…                   
What if rained all year long.
What if the bird decided not to fly.
Is that true or is that a lie? What if Ziggy
flew up to heaven.                            
What if Zara transformed into Zayn.
What if Mr Mc transformed into a big Mac.
What if Samantha had a pet black panther.
What if Mr Mc lived in a sack that has a crack.          
What if Mr Mc stops talking for a Second.
That would be awesome don’t you reckon.

What if poop came out like a goop.

I Aisha have read your poem I love your funny

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Why stars shimmer?

Have you ever looked up at the dark, black clear night sky? Have you seen the thousands of shimmer stars?

When you look up, you can see that they twinkle however it is just your eyes but they are playing a trick on you.
If you can’t see it shine that means it’s a planet. There is a thick blanket of air around the earth. It travels through turbulent winds then the calm relaxing winds. 
I Zoey have read your writing I like how you had lots of ideas but there are lots of places that don't make any sense.

Wednesday 19 June 2019

The pools

The pools

On  Sunday night I went to the pools at 6pm. We drove there and when it was very busy.  My mum, brother (Samuel.) It was at Onehunga pools.
The reason I went to the pool because I and my little brother had a swimming class. I start at 6:30 to 7:30 and my brother stats from 6pm to 6:30.
I asked my mum “is it time for swimming class?”
“Five more minutes,” my mum said.  
When it was time we did breaststroke we did 2 laps after we did freestyle the teacher asked: “do you want to  go first?”

“Ok,” I replied. So I went first after we did dives on the last dive my nose started to bleed. Once it started to bleed so mum said softly “I can shower early.” I asked, “if I can go out again?”

“No,” my mum says.
“It is going to end now.”
That night I felt really hungry.  When we got home we ate food and then I watch some TV. Once it was time to sleep we went upstairs to sleep.

I Aisha have read your writing and I love you used dialogue and  I really think that you could add more detail. Next time use elaboration.

Tuesday 11 June 2019


Why cell phones should be banned?
Firstly in my opinion that cell phones should be band from holding it because
you might get crash or get seriously injured and kill people. Then human’s
crossing the road you will bump into them.
Secondly, the traffic light turns green and they won't know when to go. Also
when you are going past the red traffic lights you will crash and get hurt.
When you drive a car you can not drive with one hand. Also when a car appears
out of the streets or driveway.
Between 2003 and 2008, there were 482 injury crashes and 25 fatal crashes
attributed to the use of mobile phones.
Buddy comment by Zara - I love the way how you have used the word
‘attributed’ in your writing and, next time you should probably work on making
it makes sense but either than that, it’s amazing to keep up the good work.

Wednesday 29 May 2019


Perceptive writing

“I wish that furry feline would get its backside off my face!” the sofa moaned to the coffee table. “I know, he sometimes sits on me when the humans aren’t watching… Oooh, I wish he’d go and play with a ball of string.
Suddenly splash! someone spill jelly all over me.  “ it’s not”  It’s not my problem the brother replied. When everyone is watching TV come and sit on me and I can’t see anything.

Mum comes in and sat on me too and spill hot water on me! So mum went to the kitchen table and got a wet cloth and wipe all over me. I was like on fire but when she put cold freezing water that I turned into ice.
When I clean up suddenly slam!  went the door. “ Dad is back from work” shouted the children “Oh on!” I said to myself. Dad is back suddenly dad sleeps on me and started to snore really loud that I had to cover my ears.
I Aisha have read your story I loved your topic that you wrote about and it was funny when dad started snoring maybe. Next time you could add more detail.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Synonyms and Alternatives -Shake

Scooters Should be Band!

Why scooters should be banned from school
because you might get injured and hurt. Also
if you don’t have brakes you can’t stop and
might crash into something hard.
Firstly we should be banned badly in school
it’s because little children will get a broken
bone and they might go on the rocky part and
trip up. The teacher that is on duty that are
holding coffee and get accident to fall down and
the teacher will be angry.

The teacher will think a scooter is a mess in the
classroom and won’t have space. Also, it will
scrap the concrete and damage the floor. They
might go on the grass and it was wet there
might slip on the grass and get hurt like on
their head.
Overall I think scooters should be banned strongly because you also get hurt and won’t come to school into they are better.
Good reasons also explain more so little kids
know what you mean. By Garuth

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Why bikes should be band?

Why bikes should be a band?

Hi everyone so today I’m going to tell you why bikes should not
ride in school.
1. Bikes should be banned because you might crash into each
other and, you will get injured badly. Also if it is rocky and it will
be very bumpy.

2. Secondly, I think bikes should not have bikes at school
because children might not have space for there bikes. Also if
your class didn’t have shade and it was a raining day your
bike can also get wet.

3. Bikes are powered fast and you can bump into something
and break bones. Also if children don’t got a helmet and ride it
without a helmet and bang their heads.

Overall I think bikes should  be band badly because of children
will might get  injured and won’t come to school until they are
much better.

I like how you used some ideas. Next time use punctuation.
BMB: Zoey.

Monday 13 May 2019

Jump Jam

This morning was a bit different because the
whole school had Jump Jam. My favourite song
was the Coconut one because the teachers
danced on stage.
We did it outside our class. Brett danced and
we had followed him because we didn’t know how
the moves to the song. He got the song from his
phone and connected so it is much louder.

Then we stopped because we finished and Brett
was talking in the  microphone and, everyone
was as silent as a pin drop on the floor.
Finally, it was the end and I asked Zoey “is
it the  end”
Aleena- I love that you added some more details and tried the best next time work on your spellings.                                                                                                                                                                                   

Operation Flax

Wednesday 8 May 2019


This week will be Rm7’s assembly. I’m feeling so excited that
I can’t wait to the assembly.

Rm7 students will be able to say something each. Before that
we did the National Anthem. After it was the castle and I said
“last term Rm7 learnt about british castles.”

Once everyone was done we sang a song. The song was Try
everything. After Mrs Davies crook and Mrs Knows had the
principal's Award ( I’m wondering who would get it.)Mrs Davies
crook gave out Emer Bear out.
I like how you used punctuation. Next time make sure your
sentences make sense

Thursday 2 May 2019

Scooters should not be able to ride in school

In my opinion I strongly  believe that scooters should be banned from being used within school grounds.
The first reason that scooters should be banned is because tiny children might be injured and also children might crash into each other. This will cause lots of injuries within the school and the sickbay would be exceptionally busy.
Also, another reason is, when you are going very fast if there is a car that is going back the driver can not see you. This would cause a crash and be dangerous.
So I really believe that scooters shouldn’t be allowed in school.
I Sanah have read your writing band I love your vocabulary like exceptionally.

Monday 29 April 2019

Division Lesson using the Number Pieces App

Division lesson using Number Pieces

About my Holiday

About my Holiday

On Friday at 7:00 pm my mum said “Let go to
the play” so we hoped in the car and when we
got there I got out of the car,we made our way
to the theater. Once me and my mum found our
seats we sat down.

When we were setted the show started. The
show was really funny I thought so did my
mum. Once it was break time my mum took
some photo of me. When it was the end it was
really funny because they put cream on each

I like how you used speech marks and you
used lots of ideas to describe. Next time you
need to have it to make sense. BMB Zoey

Thursday 11 April 2019

fact about the moat

1.The moat is we’re water around it so enemies
can’t get in.
2.The water is not shallow because if enemies
can’t find the entries so they drawn.
3.In some places moats evolved into more extensive water
defences, including natural or artificial lakes, dams and sluices.
4.Inside the castle it is dry and it is not wet.
5.The purpose of a moat was primarily to protect the castle
from attack. As a defence mechanism, moats were very effective.
I like the way that you described what a moat actually is  and
didn’t make it into a hard sentence. By Aleena.