Sunday, 18 August 2019

Spit fire from tonga

A Monarch butterflies life cycle

Did you know that Monarch butterflies have a life cycle to? 
Firstly the butterfly lay some eggs. They lay the eggs on a leave. The eggs are
small as a frog egg.
Next, there is a long bug called a caterpillar comes out of the egg and eats its egg
yolk like a frog. The caterpillar eats the leave and finds some more leaves to eat.
After the caterpillar turns into a pupa and stay there for five to 21 days. After it is a
pupa it comes out and stretches its wings to fly.
Finally, the butterflies lay more eggs and die. Then it will start the life cycle of
monarch butterflies again. Also, the female has dark Vader and the male has
white dots on its wings.  

I like the way that you described a lifecycle more next time add more content.
Image result for monarch butterfly  Zayn 

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Mr Mcgoodys

Frogs Cycle

Did you know that a process all plants, animals, humans
and living things have is called a life cycle? This is all
the stages from birth to death and a frog has a life
cycle to.  
First the female (mummy frog) lays hundreds of eggs
and they usually lay the eggs near the water, the daddy
frog fertilise.there some egg get is damage due to
rainfall and wind it will some jelly on the frog eggs are
called a frogspawn, the male frog fertilises to protect
its babies. The tadpole comes out and eats its own egg
yolk for morning tea (breakfast.) 
A few days later the tadpole comes out of the egg and
external gills, fish have those too.   

I liked how you explained well next time add
some punctuation.  Zayn

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Climate change

Have you heard about  Climate change? Well at the moment
our planet has the perfect temperature to keep all living things
alive and happy.
There are three natural factors which affect Climate change.
The factors are as follows; volcanic eruptions, changes in the
world’s orbit and the Sun’s energy.
Humans also cause climate change too. We started to build
more buildings in the 1700s which is 300 years ago. We started
to burned coal to make electricity. We made those things which
all contributed to polluting our beautiful Earth.
 Also us humans started to cut lots of trees and forests down. If
we continue to we will have no oxygen left to breathe. 

We reread you're writing together and fixed up a few sentences
in order for them to be clearer for the reader. Great into by the
way. Mr Mc

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

How Auckland recycle their rubbish?

Did you know Auckland creates 230,000 tons of rubbish a year?

Firstly the recycling kerbside collection truck picks up your
recycling rubbish.
Next, they transport it to the Visy Recycling Depot where it is
sorted. There are 200  truck deliveries each day.
After that people do the most important part. There is a team of
people that have to work quickly to remove things that are not
recyclable. If they didn’t take out the rubbish it will damage the
Then the rubbish will be sorted into different types of rubbish like Glass, paper cardboard, aluminium,  steel, and plastics.   

All technology is used to sort the rubbish like steel is collected
by a huge magnet. Paper and cardboard are collected by discs
which flick up the paper and cardboard items causing them to
catch and the heavier it falls to the bottom.

I Sanah have read your writing and like the way you listed
some words.

Hole and decimals