Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Gymnastics writting

For KiwiSport we did Gymnastics for this term. The
the first week we did warm-ups and obstacles.
We have done handstands, cartwheels, safety-rolles,
bridges, balancing, beaming, back-roll, forwards-roll.
Everything was different and some were easy and
some were hard to do.
When we were stuck the teacher came and helps us.
We did it at 9:30am  and we did it in the hall. The
Gymnastics teacher’s name was Sasha & Biran. On
the first week, we had Biran and after we had Sasha.
My favourite part was the back roll because it was fun. 
I Aisha have fixed a few things with your permission
I love how you used your punctuation nicely maybe next
the time you could add more elaboration.